We have been here 6 months, James is loving his new job, I was able to find a job working from home, and we are exploring our new city! My hair is desperately trying to adjust to the humidity. Please view with grace.
I figured the best way to catch up is to post a photo for each month.. enjoy!
November ~ Moved to FL finally!!! Just in time for Thanksgiving. Apparently my photography skills lessen from the driver's seat…
December ~ The Anderson clan came to visit! We wore shorts & went to the beach on Christmas day!
January ~ Happy birthday to my sweet husband! Enjoy those fried egg rolls!
February ~ My first time on a dinner cruise. The water is gorgeous!
March ~ Went to Disney with my niece. Too bad princess dresses aren't in my size :(
April ~ Mamma Kay and Dad came for Easter, what a lovely visit!
And that brings us up to date! There have been many requests for an update on the padres' visit. Don't worry that will be it's own post soon :)