Sunday, May 19

Facebook Notes

What is that?  Right.  Apparently with the new Facebook design (I'm behind the curve here- 99% of the time I check FB on my phone) notes are now front & center.  Ew.  I always hated notes & only felt obligated to make two of them.  I'm going to delete them off Facebook, however the nostalgic side of me wanted to re-post them :)

"25 Things" or How I Lost My Facebook Note Virginity (February 7, 2009) 

*) I'm nostalgic to a fault
*) When I need a quick pick me up I read my sister's "about me" section of her Facebook profile & it makes me smile every time :) 
*) When I need a big pick me up I get very dressed up (dress, hair, shoes, jewelry, etc.), drink wine & watch Aubrey Hepburn movies
*) My first crush ever was on Mark Hamill in Star Wars (which disappointed Mamma Kay)
*) When I was little my dad wouldn't play Barbies with me unless we were playing War so I could be instructed in military strategy
*) It's hard for me to get close to people I can't exercise/be active with while we talk
*) In jr high/high school I had my own horse, Ace. He was the most beautiful animal I've ever seen & I still miss riding him to this day
*) I can't explain it, but walking the streets of Manhattan makes me feel more alive than anywhere else 
*) I enjoy window shopping more than actual shopping
*) I always loved learning art techniques from Mamma Kay, but my perfectionist side & artist side never could co-exist
*) Things that aren't at 90 degree angles bother me & things that aren't symmetrical bother me (sorry, Toby McGuire)
*) My favorite flavors are peppermint & cinnamon, but not together
*) The only thing I miss about Abilene are the gorgeous sunsets
*) The world isn't black & white... to me God & Art exist, everything else is grey
*) I'm plagued by ambivalence... I see too many sides of each option to make decisions 
*) Aesthetics mean a lot to me
*) I am a dual citizen! I would love to move to Norway if it weren't for the above the arctic circle / immense amounts of raw & pickled fish in their diets thing
*) I love cleaning & throwing things away... But not little bits at a time, marathon cleansing calms my soul 
*) I got two degrees from a school I didn't want to go to & left with student loans. I found three loves of my life who will always be my best and closest friends and for that I'll pay any amount many times over
*) My favorite song ever is All My Life by K-Ci & Jojo (cheesy I know)
*) Not dancing is inexcusable
*) I love photographs but always forget to take them *sigh*
*) I'd rather read Miss Manners than watch reality TV
*) Pregnancy seems like it was an idea God stole from a horror film
*) I didn't number this list because it's not in alphabetical, chronological, or priority order... I would have had to re-organize it to correlate with the linear numbering system... And that was just too much work for a Facebook note, and asterisks are prettier :)
*) I dislike odd numbers

Humble Beginnings (Jan 20, 2011)

So I looked back to my first facebook wall posts in 2005! I saw these great gems from all of you fabulous ladies dear to my heart! Enjoy the nostalgic trip back 6 years ago... in a small West Texas town far far away...
Ramsey 5/20/05
Let it be known, Kristina is a dirty girl. She tried to hook up with me and was sad when I rejected her. Just kidding, who would reject Kristina?!?! Crazy!
Amy 6/28/05
Haha, yeah I had to slightly "edit" your comment because he looked at my facebook the other day. Haha. My number definitely climbed during Maymester.. if you know what I mean. If not, umm.. I dunno. Oh, and I miss you and you were totally in Abilene while I was and we didn't hang out? What the heck is up with that?
Heidi 9/7/05
I would be president of “we pick guys up at redlights” group since i actually did all the picking up... but you would be my vp since you attracted them!
Hill Hoo 10/15/05
If I sent you a relationship request, would you accept it or just break my heart like you do the others?
Blonde Amy 10/28/05
Guess what? You're the first person's “wall” I've written on. Doesn't that make you feel special. It should, because knowing me, I'll get tired of this facebook thing in a few days and you could possibly be the ONLY one I write on. Love ya
BLT 11/15/05
ooooooooooooooo....Kristina, I'm in your apartment writing this message on your wall because I love you :) (but not the way you wish I would love you...just kdding) Don't forget: lower temperatures do not mean lower standards. I'm looking forward to our fun weekend date :)
Kylee 11/16/05
Yes, it was last night I said that..and don't laugh at my make-out ministry!!!! You know it's a ministry that I take seriously and want to help others! least get what I need! Watch out 2nd Floor of the I come!!!!
Ramsey 12/3/05
Welcome to your 21st year as a raging, boy tricking, hottie! Don't break too many hearts today. i love you like Samantha loves sex, like Charlotte loves her vibrator, like Carrie loves shoes, like Miranda loves busting peoples balls- that's a lot of love!

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